sobota, 13. junij 2015


During the project week, one of the workshops available was the Secrets of Ireland where the students were acquainted with the country and its culture. We have prepared a quick interview with the man behind the workshop, Noel Fitzpatrick.

Firstly, could you tell us a bit about yourself?
My name is Noel Fitzpatrick and I’ve been living in Slovenia for four years now with Gilly, my two kids and my dog. I’ve not lived in Ireland for many years. Teaching is not my first career, I was a nurse before that. 
What was it like growing up in Ireland?
A normal childhood, nothing really special. Just a lot of playing outside. 
Was the project week workshop your idea? How did it come up?
It was. It came up because I felt like I could share some of my knowledge and love of Ireland with the students. Share a bit of the culture as well.

What were you aiming to achieve with the workshop?
The only thing I was hoping to achieve was that the students would enjoy the workshop in an informal way and learn something about my culture.

Did you enjoy working with us students? Or were we too much trouble?
I absolutely enjoyed it. I had four days of fun. And you did not cause any trouble whatsoever. 
Would you say you achieved what you were aiming for?
More, even. I feel now that each of my students has learned more about Ireland than I thought was achievable in two days. They also learned more about Irish dancing than I did in the twenty-five years that I lived there.

And was the Irish dancing enjoyable for you as well?
I feel like we all enjoyed the dancing. I really enjoyed it even though I’m not a dancer myself. So thanks to the Ljubljana school of Irish dancing for coming over and showing us the steps.

Do you have a favourite moment from the four days?
Spinning around during the dancing. That and the music session.

Finally, would you say we made you feel homesick?
Yes. Absolutely. And I loved every moment of it.

Aljaž Pavišič, 3.b

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